Complaining about aircraft noise

It’s especially vital residents continue to complain to Gatwick and the CAA, wherever you’re suffering from a step-change in the level or frequency of noise that you’re experiencing, and especially where this has resulted from changes made to flight paths for departing or arriving aircraft in the period 2013 to 2016.

Regarding Route 4 in particular, and whilst we still await the decision makers honouring the consequences of the judicial review result, we must continue to tell decision-makers and influencers how their life-changing decisions affect us, week in week out.

So how to complain?

By going to this Gatwick link:

and filling in the online form you’ll find there.

The complaint form has changed as a result of Gatwick moving from Casper to WebTrak.  It is still not particularly user-friendly & many people will say is still deliberately designed to deter complaints (!).

Gatwick’s new WebTrak flight tracker can be found at

You can make a general aircraft noise complaint (as opposed to one about a specific aircraft) by clicking on an aircraft graphic and entering your complaint.

A telephone complaint line has been re-introduced, following its earlier withdrawal.  The number is 01293 311568

Another way of making a complaint is to write to this Freepost address:

FREEPOST Gatwick Airport Flight Performance Team
South Terminal
Gatwick Airport
West Sussex

Write to the CAA:

Richard Moriarty, Chief Executive

Sir Stephen Hillier, Chair

Mark Swan, Group Director, Safety and Airspace Regulation

Civil Aviation Authority
CAA House
45-59 Kingsway

Write to the Aviation Minister:

Robert Courts
House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW
(Be sure to mark email for Robert Courts)

Write to your MP:

Sir Paul Beresford
Mole Valley Conservatives, 86 South Street, Dorking RH4 2EW

Crispin Blunt
83 Bell St, Reigate RH2 7AN

Claire Coutinho

East Surrey Conservatives
6 Godstone Road, Lingfield, RH7 6BW